“Last year’s results reflect the growth in regularly collected rent due to inflation, but also a positive revaluation of the value of our retail park portfolio,” says Tomáš Oplíštil, member of the fund’s investment committee and commercial director of REALIA Group.

The fund celebrated its fifth anniversary in February. During this time, it faced a number of market challenges and economic turbulence that tested its stability and resilience. Despite challenging times, it managed to maintain its growth and fulfill its long-term investment vision.

“Covid, high energy prices, rising interest rates, high inflation and the subsequent cooling of retail consumption. We are pleased that all of the aforementioned tests confirmed the correct setting of the fund and we were able to provide attractive returns to our investors. At the same time, it has proven that retail parks are one of the most resilient segments within real estate,” adds Tomáš Oplíštil.

From the beginning, the company has been betting on a conservative approach, which starts with careful selection of properties. It avoids overpriced premium acquisitions and focuses on quality assets with long-term sustainable returns. Financing is always carried out with fixed interest rates and lease agreements are concluded for five or more years. This combination ensures predictable cash flow for the fund even in a volatile market environment.

The fund currently manages a portfolio worth 2.7 billion crowns, owning a total of 20 shopping parks. The latest acquisition was made at the beginning of February and the company's management plans to expand further. 80% of investors in the fund are individuals - qualified investors. Other investors in the fund are legal entities and various institutions. Other investment funds, municipalities, non-profit organizations, but also banks, for example, value their finances in the fund.