Gebrüder Weiss is gradually installing photovoltaic power plants on the roofs of its terminals in Europe."We are newly starting the operation of PV plants at the terminals in Jenč near Prague and Syrovice near Brno, the combined output of which will reach 1,102 MWh per year," says Harald Prohaska, managing director of Gebrüder Weiss CR.

The installation and operation of photovoltaic power plants in the Czech Republic is part of the wider strategy of Gebrüder Weiss to achieve energy self-sufficiency and sustainability of its own logistics centers. Combinations and connections with other energy-efficient technologies, such as heat pumps, smart LED lighting, or intelligent battery charging technology handling technology, which allows each battery to be charged according to its individual condition, and thus extend its life, will also make it possible to reduce the company's overall energy consumption. There will also be 8 charging points for electric cars with an input of 22 kW.

Antonín Škapa, managing director of Energy Power Solutions, which installed the PV plant, describes the challenges that the supplier, in cooperation with experts from Gebrüder Weiss, solved, among other things. An important circumstance is, for example, the proximity of Prague's Václav Havel Airport: "We installed special anti-reflective panels so that the installation does not dazzle airplane pilots." The rotation of all rooftop solar panels is calculated so that the electricity production curve copies the organic consumption curve as much as possible."The installed photovoltaic power plant will strengthen the energy independence of Gebrüder Weis, help it conserve natural resources and reduce emissions of CO₂ and other greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere," explains Antonín Škapa.

The deployment of these technologies is in line with the philosophy of Gebrüder Weiss, which aims to actively reduce CO2 emissions and achieve the sustainability of its own logistics centers. "We are constantly testing and implementing new technologies and procedures," describes Karel Šindelář, regional director for the Czech Republic at Gebrüder Weiss CR, adding that in recent years the company has perceived an increased interest in more sustainable services also from business partners.

For several years now, Gebrüder Weiss has offered its customers the opportunity to fully offset the CO2 emissions of their shipments through the zero emissions service, which allows customers to support certified climate protection projects around the world, such as reforestation and increasing the use of renewable energy sources. In order to increase the sustainability of transport, it also uses alternative drives for its trucks and vans, which are powered by hydrogen, electricity, gas or HVO.

"We are pleased that sustainability is also in the forefront of the state's interest, as evidenced by the presence of the Governor of the Central Bohemian Region, Petra Pecková, at the ceremonial start-up of the power plant. It is a great honor for us and at the same time a confirmation that we are on the right path to a sustainable future," adds Jan Kodada, Sales and Marketing Director of Gebrüder Weiss.

From left, Harald Prohaska, managing director of Gebrüder Weiss CR, Petra Pecková, governor of the Central Bohemian Region Petra Pecková; Jan Kodada, sales and marketing director of GW CR and Karel Šindelář, regional director for the GW Czech region and head of the GW Jeneč branch

PV plants in Jenč near Prague and Syrovice near Brno in numbers:
2,570 - that many pieces of solar panels were installed on the roofs of the terminals in Jenč near Prague and Syrovice near Brno.

3 - The total installed area of ​​photovoltaic panels on the roofs of the terminals is a total of 5,800 m2, which corresponds to the area of ​​3 standard hockey fields.

250 - Total annual production of 1,102 MWh corresponds to a reduction in CO2 emissions of 250 tons per year.

367 – This number of average Czech households would be sufficient for the total annual production of both solar power plants.